150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns: Prepare to ROFL!

Get ready to laugh out loud with 150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns: Prepare to ROFL! This hilarious collection is packed with witty one-liners, clever puns, and relatable humor tailored for the digital age social media puns and jokes. Whether you’re scrolling through feeds or crafting the perfect caption, these jokes are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face—and your followers’ too! Perfect for social media enthusiasts, this book is your go-to source for endless online entertainment social media puns and jokes.

  • Social Media Puns & Jokes
  • Tech Trouble Teasers
  • Hashtag Humor
  • Profile Picture Punchlines
  • Comment Section Comedy
  • Viral Video Vittles
  • Follower Funnies
  • Meme or Able Moments
  • Like and Subscribe Laughs
  • Status Update Silliness
  • Algorithm Amusements
  • Trending Topic Ticklers
  • Feed Frenzy Funnies
  • DM Delights
  • Final Scroll Snickers
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Social Media Puns & Jokes:

  • I tried to start a social media site for chickens but it never took off. Turns out they prefer to stick with Cluck book social media puns and jokes.
  • My grandma just got Instagram. Now she’s a regular at the hip-hop club—you know, where all the insta-grams hang out.
  • Twitter changed its name to X. The bird finally flew the coop, now we’re all just marking the spot social media puns and jokes.
  • What do you call it when your Instagram is full of pictures of dinner? A food post apocalypse social media puns and jokes.
  • LinkedIn is just Facebook with a tie on.
  • I’m not addicted to Twitter. I can stop scrolling anytime I want. I just don’t want to.
  • YouTube suggested I watch a video about procrastination, but I’ll get to it later.
  • They say social media connects us all, but I’ve never felt more disconnected than when my Wi-Fi goes out social media puns and jokes .
  • What’s a vampire’s favorite social media platform? InstaSCREAM!
  • Facebook knows more about my life than I do—and that’s why my targeted ads are for memory supplements.

Tech Trouble Teasers:

  • TikTok is just keeping people occupied until the robots take over.
  • I tried to log out of Facebook once. They sent a SWAT team to my house.
  • I don’t always check my Twitter notifications, but when I do, it’s every 30 seconds for 3 hours straight.
  • Pinterest is where I go to pin all the DIY projects I’ll never actually do.
  • I asked Siri for directions to the nearest coffee shop. She told me to reconsider my caffeine addiction.
  • Dating apps are just human window shopping with occasional purchases.
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, just like people on social media social media puns and jokes .
  • My phone battery lasts longer than most of my friendships on Snapchat.
  • I wanted to post something original on Reddit, but everything I thought of was already a repost.
  • What’s the difference between me and my Instagram profile? One is living a fabulous life, and the other is me.

Hashtag Humor:

  • I tried to explain hashtags to my grandmother. Now she’s drawing tic-tac-toe boards on all her letters.
  • My therapist says I have an unhealthy relationship with social media. I unfollowed him.
  • I’m thinking of starting a social network just for garden enthusiasts. I’ll call it InstaGRAM.
  • Social media is like a fridge. You keep checking it every few minutes even though you know nothing’s changed.
  • I’ve been on a social media cleanse for a week now. How do I know if I’m still alive if no one likes my existence?
  • What do you call it when your phone runs out of battery while scrolling through Instagram? A blessing in disguise.
  • I told my wife I had 500 followers. She was impressed until she realized it was on Twitter, not in a cult.
  • WhatsApp keeps asking me what’s up, but nobody ever asks how’s app.
  • I don’t always post on Facebook, but when I do, I make sure to check it every 2 minutes to see who liked it.
  • Twitter is just a contest to see who can think of the cleverest thing to say about an event before anyone else.

Profile Picture Punchlines:

  • My password is the last 8 digits of pi. Not even I can remember it.
  • I tried to quit social media, but then how would I know which Disney princess my friends are based on their birth month?
  • What’s the difference between a social media influencer and a regular person? About 10,000 filters social media puns and jokes.
  • I asked ChatGPT to write my dating profile. Now I’m apparently a “soulful wanderer with a passion for artisanal cheese.”
  • My Instagram feed is so curated it could be in a museum—the Museum of Things That Never Actually Happened social media puns and jokes.
  • They say don’t believe everything you see on the internet, which is exactly what an alien trying to hide among us would say.
  • I have a black belt in social media scrolling.
  • Social media is like art—I don’t understand it, but I pretend to anyway.
  • What do you call someone who doesn’t use social media? Mentally stable.
  • I’m on a seafood diet. I see food on Instagram, and then I order delivery.

Comment Section Comedy:

  • The internet was down at my house for 24 hours. I talked to my family. They seem like nice people.
  • I asked Alexa what the weather was like, and she told me to look outside. I think the robots are getting sassy.
  • What’s the most commonly used language in programming? Profanity.
  • My social battery drains faster than my phone battery, and that’s saying something.
  • I tried to explain memes to my parents. Now they’re sending me minion quotes from 2012.
  • What do you call it when you accidentally like your ex’s Instagram post from 3 years ago? Panic mode.
  • I could give up social media, but I’m not a quitter.
  • I’m in a committed relationship with my notifications.
  • I have a photographic memory, but it only works on memes.
  • What’s the opposite of social media? Antisocial media—it’s when you read all the comments.

Viral Video Vittles:

  • I don’t need a boyfriend, I have unrealistic expectations set by TikTok to keep me company social media puns and jokes.
  • How many social media managers does it take to change a light bulb? One, but they’ll need to make a reel about it.
  • I took a picture of my salad and didn’t post it on Instagram. Does this mean it had no nutritional value?
  • My relationship status has been “it’s complicated” for so long that Facebook sent me a therapist recommendation.
  • The only exercise I get is jumping to conclusions based on tweets.
  • I finally cleaned my room after seeing a 10-second TikTok about organization. My mom has been trying for 20 years.
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite social media platform? Deaddit.
  • I don’t mean to brag, but I can scroll through TikTok for three hours and remember absolutely nothing.
  • They say laughter is the best medicine, which explains why I spend four hours a day on meme accounts.
  • Why did the computer go to the doctor? It had a virus from clicking on too many “You won’t believe what happened next” links.

Follower Funnies:

  • I asked my crush out via DM. They left me on read. At least now I know they can read.
  • My biggest achievement this year was not posting a single spoiler on social media.
  • What’s the difference between real life and Instagram? About 37 filters and 12 retakes.
  • I don’t need a life coach, I have an algorithm telling me what to do.
  • I finally hit 10,000 steps today! Turns out scrolling through Twitter with your thumb counts social media puns and jokes.
  • Social media is just peer pressure from people you’ve never even met.
  • My dog has more followers than me. I would be upset, but his content is objectively better.
  • The only notifications I get excited about are food delivery updates.
  • What’s the most expensive date? Software update.
  • My diet plan is simple: if I have to take a picture of it, I probably shouldn’t eat it.

Meme or able Moments:

  • What did the Instagram post say to the link in bio? “I’ll send them your way.”
  • I joined a Facebook group about conspiracy theories, but I think they’re hiding something from me.
  • Every time I see “Share if you agree,” I suddenly don’t agree anymore.
  • My social media strategy is posting whatever I want and then apologizing for it later.
  • What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a Wi-Fi connection? I get upset when the Wi-Fi connection drops.
  • I was going to post a joke about social media, but it would have been too meta.
  • I don’t always post selfies, but when I do, I take 47 of them first.
  • How many influencers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just do a collab with the darkness.
  • I finally achieved inbox zero. Then I refreshed the page.

Like and Subscribe Laughs:

  • My kids asked me what life was like before the internet. I told them to wait while I printed out some memes to explain.
  • What did one smartphone say to the other? “I don’t text and drive, I browse social media at stop lights.”
  • I’m thinking of starting a social network just for cheese lovers. I’ll call it Briebook.
  • Social media is like a refrigerator—even when you know nothing’s changed, you keep checking it every 10 minutes.
  • I tried a digital detox once, but after 12 hours, I wasn’t sure if I still existed.
  • What’s a millennial’s favorite part of a museum? The Wi-Fi password.
  • I’m not saying Instagram filters are unrealistic, but I just saw a cloud in real life and got disappointed it wasn’t Valencia.
  • My autocorrect has finally accepted that I’m never trying to type “ducking.”
  • How many calories do you burn jumping to conclusions on Twitter? Asking for a friend.
  • I tried to tell my kids what we did before Google. They didn’t believe that “I don’t know” was a valid answer to questions.

Status Update Silliness:

  • Facebook is asking what’s on my mind, but it’s already listened through my microphone and knows exactly what’s on my mind.
  • I had to delete my dating apps. Too many matches—all from my kitchen when I haven’t done the dishes.
  • The only thing worse than being talked about on social media is not being talked about on social media.
  • My kid asked me what we did for entertainment before smartphones. I almost fell off my dinosaur laughing.
  • What did the tweet say to the retweet? “Thanks for spreading the word.”
  • I’m thinking of starting an antisocial network where you can block people before you even meet them.
  • I spent so much time on Instagram today that my thumb filed for workers’ compensation.
  • What’s the difference between Romeo and Juliet and social media? Social media has more drama.
  • I finally unfriended my ex on Facebook. Now I have to rely on our mutual friends for stalking services.
  • How do you milk a social media trend? Just add “Challenge” to the end of it.

Algorithm Amusements:

  • I don’t need therapy, I just need better Wi-Fi.
  • My dating profile says I enjoy long walks on the beach, but my step counter says I’m a liar.
  • What’s the difference between a zombie and me after three hours of TikTok? The zombie probably blinked more.
  • I don’t have an attention problem, I just—oh look, a notification!
  • What did one selfie say to the other? “Looking good is our filter purpose.”
  • They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but that’s literally what Instagram is for.
  • My hobby is collecting unread emails. I’m up to 14,385.
  • What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. What happens on social media stays on the internet forever, haunting you.
  • I told my friend I was addicted to Twitter. He suggested I seek help on Facebook groups.
  • Social media is the only place where using more filters makes you seem more authentic.

Trending Topic Ticklers:

  • I’m not saying I’m addicted to social media, but my thumb has its own six-pack.
  • What do you call it when your tweet doesn’t get any likes? A reality check.
  • I tried to go viral once, but my content was quarantined.
  • My smartphone is smart enough to know when I’m about to drop it and automatically switch to its most breakable corner.
  • What’s the difference between a bad joke and a repost? Nothing, they both keep coming back.
  • I don’t always post on social media, but when I do, I immediately refresh to see if anyone has liked it yet.
  • My doctor told me to cut down on social media. I unfollowed her.
  • What’s a social media user’s favorite exercise? Jumping to conclusions.
  • I tested positive for social media addiction. The results came back as “duh.”
  • I entered my WiFi password incorrectly once, and now I live in a parallel universe where I have to be productive.

Feed Frenzy Funnies:

  • I don’t always check my phone first thing in the morning, but when I do, it’s still in my hand from the night before.
  • What’s the difference between a social media post and a bottle of wine? Both improve with age, but one gets more comments.
  • I put my phone in airplane mode, but it’s still on my couch. False advertising.
  • How many followers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they’re all busy watching your Instagram story.
  • My grandma asked me to help her upload something to the cloud. I spent 20 minutes explaining it wasn’t an actual cloud.
  • What did the Facebook user say to the Instagram user? “Your filtered life looks great!”
  • I have selective hearing according to my partner, but according to my phone notifications, I can hear a pin drop from three rooms away.
  • What’s a social media influencer’s favorite tree? A filter tree.
  • I’m on a 30-day social media challenge. Day 1: Talked about doing it on social media.
  • I named my WiFi “FBI Surveillance Van” so my neighbors would stop asking for the password.

DM Delights:

  • My social media bio says “adventurous,” but my Netflix history says “hasn’t moved in 8 hours.”
  • What did the smartphone say when it was running out of battery? “I’m about to ghost you.”
  • I tried to explain to my grandmother what a meme is. Now she sends me newspaper clippings with her own captions.
  • What’s a computer’s favorite snack? Microchips.
  • Social media is just telling strangers what you had for lunch and getting mad about things you can’t change.
  • I asked Siri to tell me a joke. She pulled up my bank account.
  • What did the email say to the spam folder? “This is where all my friends end up.”
  • My workout routine consists of carrying the emotional weight of all the world problems I learn about on Twitter.
  • What’s the most used app on smartphones? The excuse generator.
  • My phone knows me so well that my autocomplete could probably write my autobiography.

Final Scroll Snickers:

  • I’m starting a new social network for people who hate social networks. There’s nothing on it.
  • What’s the difference between real life and Facebook? On Facebook, everyone seems happy.
  • I told my wife I had thousands of followers. She was impressed until she realized it was just my digital footprint being tracked by advertisers.
  • I don’t need Google, my wife knows everything.
  • What did one app say to the other? “Stop tagging along!”
  • I have a new theory that social media was invented by introverts so they could socialize without leaving home.
  • What’s the difference between a social media manager and a magician? One tricks people into clicking things, and the other does magic.
  • I tried to explain to my kids what it was like before the internet. They thought I was describing a horror movie.
  • I would make a joke about social media addiction, but none of us would get it.
  • What’s the final stage of social media addiction? Writing 150 jokes about social media addiction.


150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns: Prepare to ROFL! is the ultimate companion for anyone who loves to laugh and share humor online. With over 150 hilarious jokes and puns, this collection is perfect for brightening up your social media feeds, sparking conversations, or simply enjoying a good chuckle. Whether you’re a seasoned meme lord or just someone who enjoys a clever punchline, this book has something for everyone. So, dive in, share the laughs, and let the humor spread like wildfire across your platforms. Remember, laughter is contagious, and with this book, you’re guaranteed to be the life of the digital party. Don’t forget to tag your friends, because the best jokes are the ones shared together. Get ready to ROFL and make your social media presence unforgettable!


  • What is “150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns: Prepare to ROFL!” about?
    It’s a collection of hilarious jokes and puns tailored for social media enthusiasts, perfect for sharing and getting laughs online.
  • Where can I find “150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns”?
    You can find it on platforms like Amazon, eBook stores, or websites specializing in humor and social media content.
  • Is this book suitable for all ages?
    Yes, the jokes and puns are generally family-friendly, but always check the content to ensure it aligns with your preferences.
  • Can I use these jokes for my social media posts?
    Absolutely! These jokes are designed to be shared and can add humor to your social media profiles.
  • Is there an updated version available?
    As of now, the latest version is “150+ Social Media Jokes & Puns: Prepare to ROFL!” Check for updates on the publisher’s website or online stores.

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